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Elementary technology icon (cut off)A white elementary technology icon that's been cut off
Elementary technology icon (cut off)A white elementary technology icon that's been cut off

Since the easing of restrictions, we’re seeing more and more schools searching for a way to get back into a normal, daily lesson delivery routine, to help reiterate key teaching areas that have been missed over the last 18 months. EdTech is a great way to revolutionise education delivery in the classroom and a great piece of tech, the classroom visualiser, can help save teacher time and improve lesson delivery in just a few easy steps!

As a result of lessons being delivered remotely, pupils missed out on Front End Feedback, a crucial element of learning retention. Now that pupils are back in the classroom, using a Visualiser to complement your lesson is a great way to reintroduce Front End Feedback. To do this, you could bring up a pupil’s work, place it underneath to be shown to the class and add in some Peer Assessment to your feedback. This means the whole class has the ability to provide feedback together. Using your Visualiser in this way also encourages pupils to develop their judgment skills within a group and give genuine praise (all whilst saving time!).

Another great way to use a Visualiser to focus on your success criteria could be through modelling or What a Good One Looks Like (WAGOLL). Using your Visualiser, create your exemplary piece of work or model and show the class how to replicate using the recording lesson segment tool /camera tool. You can then either play the video back on a loop to the class, or the screen can be split to show the WAGOLL example and live mark.

In addition, the handy annotation tool combined with a compare mode provides teachers with the ability to mark as they go. Once an activity has been completed together as a class, a picture can then be taken for evidence and be kept as a digital learning record for work evidence.

Recording lesson segments is a vital part of delivering education in the “new normal” too. Pupils will still be absent from school and you may still be hybrid learning. With a Visualiser, the key elements of a lesson can be recorded to allow students to refer to it should they need to. It’s easy to do, just press record! With a built-in microphone, simply press record for as long as you like and both video and audio will be recorded. Recordings can then be sent to pupils, meaning that all pupils access the same lesson content without having to repeat the lesson, saving you time!

You could even go a step further with recording and share the content with other teachers to share with their class. For example, if you’re doing a 2-minute recording on adverbs and you think another teacher using the same curriculum would benefit from it, you could send it to them to save them some time as a lesson introduction for their class too.

There are many great ways you can use a Visualiser to enhance your teaching, improve the learning experience for your pupils and provide direct feedback all whilst saving time. Some of the above is just a snippet of how powerful a visualiser can be for teaching and learning simply by following a few of your normal everyday processes.

If you would like to see how it can help your department or school, contact us now for more information or a demonstration.

Date: 1st September 2021

A white elementary technology icon that's been cut off


Understanding your school and helping you use technology to deliver better education.