Inclusive Classrooms: Maximising Accessibility with Microsoft's Immersive Reader
Enhance accessibility and engagement in your classroom using Microsoft’s Immersive Reader.
Inclusive Classrooms: Maximising Accessibility with Microsoft's Immersive Reader
Enhance accessibility and engagement in your classroom using Microsoft’s Immersive Reader.
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Join us for an insightful session introducing you to Immersive Reader’s customisable features, including voice and text options, grammar tools, and reading preferences, all designed to support reading and comprehension. Perfect for teachers looking to make their classrooms more inclusive and accessible for all.
What can you expect?
- Learn where to find Immersive Reader within Microsoft software and other popular teaching software.
- Learn how to navigate Immersive Reader and how change the options and preferences to meet your students' needs.
- Explore real-life classroom examples of how Immersive Reader can enhance accesibility and engagement in your classroom.
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